Facilities and Operations, Closure Of

Policy Number:
Reason for Policy:

To provide standards and procedures for determining when conditions of weather, emergency, or other special circumstances raise questions about the practicality, desirability or need to close down University operations, i.e., classroom instruction, office operations, physical plant operations or any subsection of the University.

Entities Affected by this Policy:

All members of the University of Oregon community.

Responsible Office:

For questions about this policy, please contact Safety and Risk Services,safety@uoregon.edu or 541-346-3192.

Enactment & Revision History:

25 April 2016 - Revisions approved by the university president; policy renumbered from 04.00.03 to IV.07.02

08 February 2010 - Policy number revised from 4.000 to 04.00.03

06 March 1984 - Approved by the university president's staff and issued by vice president for administration

23 April 1982 - Originally promulgated


The University of Oregon may change its operating status during and surrounding periods of inclement weather or emergencies. When inclement weather occurs, geographic location and elevation can vary conditions significantly. The University of Oregon makes decisions based on its campus conditions, which may not be the same decision by nearby school districts, colleges or universities.

The President of the University designates the Vice-President for Finance and Administration as the administrative officer responsible for the decision about delayed opening or closure and implementation of this policy.

If a change in operating status is warranted, the Vice President for Finance & Administration has three options: a delayed opening, early closure, or a full closure.

Academic and administrative units shall abide by any decision made by central administration regarding operating status. If a unit cannot safely maintain operations, the Dean or Director can choose to open later than the campus wide opening, close earlier than the campus wide closing, or fully close instead of delayed opening or closing early. Deans and Directors are responsible for communicating their status to their own employees. This deviation from the campus wide status must be communicated to the Incident Management Team (IMT).

In the case of inclement weather, the following services and resources are considered essential:

  • Campus Planning and Facilities Management
  • Central Power Station
  • Safety and Risk Services
  • Housing and Dining Services
  • Information Services
  • Research (e.g. Animal care facilities)
  • UO Police Department
  • Incident Management Team

When it is possible to maintain safe operations, the following campus services will open and provide as many services as possible for the student population: Erb Memorial Union and Student Recreation Center.


Delayed Opening: A university operating status based upon inclement weather or other emergency that cancels classes and events, and suspends all non- essential administrative and academic activities at the Eugene campus in the morning hours of normal operations.

Early Closure: A university operating status based upon inclement weather or other emergency that cancels classes and events, and suspends all non- essential administrative and academic activities at the Eugene campus in the afternoon and/or evening hours of normal operations.

Full Closure: A university operating status based on inclement weather or other emergency that cancels all classes and events and closes all university offices and departments, except select emergency and essential services.

Essential Services and Resources: Services and resources necessary to maintain health and safety and residential and research support functions on campus. Departments and units with designated essential services and resources are responsible for developing their own protocol and procedures for maintaining their essential functions.

Essential Employee: University employee whose duties are required to provide essential services and resources.


Vice President for Finance & Administration (VPFA): Makes final decision regarding the operating status of the university and when to resume normal operations. The VPFA has the responsibility to evaluate extenuating circumstances and scheduled programming with input from the Incident Management Team for services and resources considered essential to fulfill operational needs.

UO-Incident Management Team (IMT): Provides the command and control infrastructure that is required to manage the logistical, fiscal, planning, operational, safety and campus issues related to any and all incidents/emergencies. The IMT monitors the situation and advises the Vice President for Finance & Administration when a decision regarding a change to the operating status is advisable.

Deans and Directors: Within the unit for which they have responsibility, maintain the same operating status that has been declared by the university. When a change in operating status has been declared, maintain a schedule within the unit that is consistent with this policy.


Supervisors and faculty should be reasonably understanding and flexible regarding a student’s or staff member's individual needs during inclement weather or an emergency, especially if the student or employee has a long commute to and from campus. A student, faculty or staff member who believes that it is unsafe to travel, or who is faced with unexpected family care responsibilities (such as those created by local school closings), should use his or her judgment and remain at home if that is the most prudent action.

Chapter 7: Property, facilities and planning; sustainability