This policy contains matters pertaining to standards for admission and other admission requirements.
All students and employees who interact with the above mentioned matters
For questions about this policy, please contact the Office of Admissions at 541-346-3201.
02 September 2015 - Technical revisions enacted by the university secretary
01 July 2014 - Became a University of Oregon Policy by operation of law
Former Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 580 Division 10, Sections 0001 through 0005
A. Standards for Admission
(1) The University sets standards for admission to freshman and advanced undergraduate standing at the University. Standards may include but need not be limited to high school graduation, subject requirements, prior college-level coursework, standardized test scores and grades.
(2) Standards may vary by residency classification.
(3) The University may establish alternatives and exceptions to the standards.
(4) The Board may delegate authority to establish enrollment limitations and to set higher and additional standards for admission to academic courses and programs.
(5) The University shall periodically review admission standards and provide at least one year's notice of any change in standards used in determining admissibility.
B. Affirmative Action Goals: Enrollment
(1) The University President shall establish affirmative action goals and procedures for the purpose of increasing the proportion of minorities and women enrolled in programs where minorities or women are underrepresented. The University shall be sensitive to the need for effective support for such students.
(2) For purposes of this policy, "minority" refers to Black African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian/Pacific-Island Americans and American Indians/Alaskan Natives.
(3) The goals and procedures established under this policy shall be reviewed by the President for adequacy and effectiveness at the end of each biennium and modified accordingly. A report of this biennial review shall be submitted to the Board.
C. Compulsory Pre-Entrance Physical Examination and Immunizations
(1) For the protection of the public health and benefit of the student, the University requires a physical examination of all students or, at the discretion of the University, a completed health history questionnaire on a form supplied by the institution, as a condition of enrollment.
(2) A report from a private physician may be required in certain instances by the University using a health history questionnaire. Cases justifying use of a private physician's report include students participating in varsity athletics and students requiring clearance for participation in physical education.
(3) All students must present appropriate proof of immunizations and tests required by policies established by the University. These requirements shall be set forth in University catalogs. The University shall notify the Board whenever these requirements change.
(4) Students declining immunization on medical grounds may be enrolled, but students declining immunization on the basis of religious conviction may be enrolled only if:
(a) They provide a statement from their church or religious organization attesting to their membership and to the fact that immunization is contrary to the religious beliefs of the church or religious organization to which they belong;
(b) They, and in the case of minor or dependent students, their parents or guardians with them, agree in writing to assume all expenses in connection with their care and isolation should they acquire, while students at the University, a disease for which immunization is required of other students.