Family Relationships and Employment

Reason for Policy: 

This policy outlines matters pertaining to appointments to positions at the University of Oregon as it relates to family relationships and such employment.

Entities Affected by this Policy: 

All UO employees and candidates for employment.

Responsible Office: 

For questions about this policy, please contact Human Resources at 541-346-3159.

Enactment & Revision History: 

4 September 2015 - Technical revisions enacted by the university secretary

1 July 2014 - Became a University of Oregon Policy by operation of law

Former Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 571 Division 4 Section 0005


Family Relationships and Employment

Appointments to positions at the University of Oregon (University) shall be based upon merit as determined by job-related qualifications:

(1) Discrimination in favor of candidates who are related to persons involved in, or with an effective influence upon, the selection process is prohibited:

(a) However, relatives of individuals already employed by the University may not be denied equal employment opportunity or advancement in employment on the basis of family relationships. For the purposes of this policy relatives includes spouse, child, stepchild, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, mother-in-law, and father-in-law;

(b) No members of the faculty or administration shall participate in making recommendations or decisions involving the employment, compensation, promotion, leave of absence, grievance adjustment, termination, or in the supervision of their relatives without prior permission of their immediate supervisor.

(2) In unusual circumstances a Vice President may consider an appointment of a member of a prospective or current employee's family to a position for which there was no search. In such cases:

(a) An ad hoc committee will be convened by the Vice President to be composed of the Director of Affirmative Action, the chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, and one or more faculty representatives from the affected department;

(b) The committee so convened shall consider whether the appointment furthers the University’s affirmative action goals, and whether the individual considered is of the quality of the University of Oregon faculty;

(c) After its consideration, the ad hoc committee will consult with and advise the appropriate Vice President with whom the final appointment decision rests.

(3) An employee who has a grievance under this policy may invoke the University's grievance procedures including, if appropriate, referral to the Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, as provided under OAR 571-003-0010. [Note: OAR 571-003-0010 did not exist at the time of the governance transition on 7/1/14, so there is no UO policy number replacing this reference.]

(4) A non-employee questioning the application of this policy may contact the Office of Affirmative Action, which shall provide information regarding available recourse.

(5) Nothing in this policy shall be construed to prevent the employment or advancement in employment of more than one member of a family in the same department or administrative unit, provided the decision to employ or advance has been made in accord with the other sections of this policy.

Original Source: 
Oregon Administrative Rule