Fund Raising

Reason for Policy:

This policy outlines certain regulations pertaining to fund raising on campus, for university purposes, with university resources, and similar matters.

Entities Affected by this Policy:

All students and employees of the UO

Responsible Office:

For questions about this policy, please contact Student Life at 541-346-3216 or University Advancement at 541-346-3016.

Enactment & Revision History:

3 September 2015 - Technical revisions enacted by the university secretary

1 July 2014 - Became a University of Oregon Policy by operation of law

Former Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 571 Division 11


A. Fund Raising, Generally

All solicitation of funds from students for whatever purpose is prohibited unless authorized by the chief executive of the University of Oregon (University):

(1) Fund raising refers to activities which intend to raise monies through the solicitation of donations, the charging of admission, or the selling of goods and/or services. The authority to approve or disapprove all activities and requests involving solicitation of funds or fund raising for whatever purpose on the University campus is vested in the University President. The reference to selling of goods and/or services herein pertains only to sales by and for the direct benefit of the University, or its divisions, departments or units.

(2) For student groups, the University President has delegated fund raising authority as outlined in Policy 571.011(B).

(3) The campus mail service may be used only for University fund drives authorized by the University President or the President's authorized representative.

(4) The University President has authorized participation by University employees and students in the annual fund drive of the Lane County United Appeal. The President has also authorized fund drives by the University of Oregon Development Fund, with donations to be designated for general purposes of the Fund or for any specific purpose of the Fund.

(5) Each University administrative unit may charge admission for cultural activities assigned to its field of responsibility presented in facilities assigned to that unit. Other University fund raising activities by administrative units must receive the prior approval of the responsible dean or vice president. Employee groups shall apply to the Director of the Erb Memorial Union for approval of fund raising activities.

(6) In order to eliminate duplication of effort, deans, department heads, and employees shall obtain approval from the Director of Development before approving or engaging in fund raising off the campus.

(7) All funds received by University administrative units shall be deposited in appropriate accounts under regulations issued by the Director of Business Affairs. Information concerning the administration of gifts to the University and to the University of Oregon Development Fund may be obtained from the Director of Business Affairs.

(8) Sales of products at designated campus locations may be held at times scheduled and approved by the Director of the Erb Memorial Union. Persons or groups selling products at non-authorized times and locations may be subject to eviction proceedings or other penalties.

B. Fund Raising on Campus by Student Groups

(1) For the purpose of this Policy, the term "fund raising" shall refer to those events and activities by student groups which raise monies through the solicitation of donations, the charging of admission, or the sale or exchange of products or services. The reference herein to the sale or exchange of products or services is not intended to include instances of commercial solicitations or commercial transactions as described in UO Policy 571.050.0030even if the sale or transaction is consummated by one or more members of a student group.

(2) The authority to approve or disapprove all activities in requests involving the solicitations of funds or fund-raising from students for whatever purpose is vested in the University President by applicable policies (see UO Policy 571.011(A)).

(3) No student organization shall engage in fund raising except pursuant to prior approval in compliance with these regulations.

(4) The University President hereby delegates his approval authority for student fund raising as follows:

(a) All fund raising on the premises, grounds, and in the facilities of the Erb Memorial Union (EMU) shall require the prior approval of the Director of the EMU. The EMU Director may subdelegate in writing all or part of such approval authority to the EMU Board or to the President of the Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO);

(b) For all other student fund raising activities on the campus, recognized and registered student organizations shall apply to the Director of the EMU for approval. Authority for approval of such activities may be delegated to the ASUO President by the Director of the EMU in writing;

(c) The University President reserves the right to revoke and/or exercise any of the powers herein delegated if at any time the University President determines that the responsibilities delegated have not been met. The EMU Director shall also reserve the right to revoke and/or exercise any of the powers subdelegated if at any time the EMU Director determines that the responsibilities subdelegated have not been met.

(5) All student fund raising activities shall comply with the following restrictions:

(a) The application must state a description of the event, the purpose of the event, where the funds will go, and specifically, the use to which funds will be put;

(b) The time and place of the event must be scheduled by the sponsoring group with the University Scheduling Officer at the EMU;

(c) Except in respect to lectures or appearances of individuals or groups on the campus officially sponsored by the University for the educational and cultural development of students, funds raised shall not be paid to or retained by any individual. This shall not prevent the leasing of space at the University to sellers of personally handicrafted non-food items, the sale of which adds to the educational and cultural development of students;

(d) The only acceptable uses to which funds raised on campus by students or student groups may be put are:

(A) For the cultural and educational enrichment of the University community;

(B) For the benefit of the student fundraising organization, in line with its statement of purpose filed at the time of registration or recognition as a student organization or as thereafter updated; or

(C) For donation to legitimate charitable organizations. The decision of the legitimacy of a specific charitable organization rests with the EMU Director or, upon delegation, with the ASUO President.

(e) Except for lease of retail space (see IMD 7.160), facilities located on University property shall not be used for the purpose of private gain (see IMD 7.155) [Editor’s Note Only: OAR 580-050-0035 was no longer in existence as of the governance transition of 07-01-14];

(f) The use of facilities must comply with the Oregon State Board of Higher Education statement respecting partisan political activities, September 8, 1970.

(Minutes OSBHE Meeting #389-41, 9/8/70, p. 685) ". . . the Board has said, and now reiterates, that the facilities, equipment, supplies, and other resources of its institutions must not be diverted to partisan political use. This affirmation is not intended to interfere with the traditional use of campus facilities as public forums nor with the political rights of faculty members and students. Nor is it intended to modify relationships with any of the duly recognized student organizations on campus, including the Young Republicans and Young Democrats, and any other political groups characteristically functioning on the campuses. What it seeks to avoid is the colleges and universities becoming agents of direct political action . . ."

(g) Sponsoring student organizations shall utilize ticket controls and audit procedures prescribed by the EMU staff for all student fund raising events to ensure that student fund raising regulations are met;

(h) All student fund raising events involving the sale of products or services must in addition receive the prior approval of the EMU Director;

(i) The failure of a student organization to comply with these procedures shall be grounds for the denial for subsequent privileges of use of University facilities to the non-complying organization or to the individuals who have acted on its behalf.

(6) In all cases of fund raising, applicant student organizations shall file written applications on the forms provided.

(7) Funds raised shall be deposited in the appropriate account:

(a) Registered and recognized student organizations using facilities owned or operated by the University for fund raising shall deposit those funds in a Trust Fund Account in the Erb Memorial Union;

(b) Funds raised by University-affiliated programs, organizations, or departments, i.e., ASUO and its agencies, EMU programs, residence halls, University departments and the like, shall be deposited in the appropriate EMU account, University departmental account or Trust Fund account;

(c) Tickets available from the EMU shall be used by both recognized and registered groups where admission is charged.

(8) Student organizations engaged in fund raising shall file a financial report seven days before the end of each term, or within seven days after any fund raising event in which gross receipts exceed $1,000. The report shall provide detail of the amount of funds raised, itemized expenditures, a net balance, and shall itemize the uses to which the balance has been or will be put. Two copies of the report shall be filed on the appropriate forms. One copy shall be submitted to the EMU Director and one copy shall be submitted to the ASUO President. Failure to file a true and accurate report shall constitute:

(a) Grounds for denial of future permission to utilize the University facilities to the student organization, to the individuals who have acted on its behalf, and to the scheduling member;

(b) A basis for prosecution under the University of Oregon Code of Student Conduct; and

(c) Grounds for any other remedies afforded by law for misappropriation of funds or misuse of property.

(9) The University President, the EMU Director, or upon delegation, the ASUO President shall reserve the right to review any fund raising event sponsored by a University student group. A representative of the group may be required to meet with the University President, the EMU Director, or the ASUO President to give information about the event.

C. Delegations of Authority to ASUO

(1) The Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO), acting through the ASUO President, shall exercise the following authority, which is hereby delegated by the University President:

(a) To formulate general policies relating to student organizations and on-campus extra-curricular activities;

(b) To grant recognition to student groups, or to withdraw recognition from them, as a basis for use of certain campus facilities by said groups;

(c) To develop criteria to "guide" the University calendar and scheduling officer (who is Director of the Erb Memorial Union) in scheduling campus student events and programs.

(2) The ASUO President may exercise the delegated powers directly, or may appoint an administrative body representative of the University community to assist in the administration of such delegated responsibilities. The ASUO President shall notify the University President in writing of the mechanism by which the ASUO President will exercise these delegated responsibilities.

(3) This delegation is subject to any policies and administrative arrangements which may be subsequently established by the University President or the faculty of the University. The University President reserves the right to revoke and/or exercise any of the powers herein delegated if at any time the University President determines that the responsibilities delegated have not been met.

(4) The student activity regulations (see Memo 17.030) policies governing the EMU facilities and grounds, and scheduling policies (see Memos 18.010 through 18.080) shall remain in full force.

(5) The Director of the Erb Memorial Union is delegated by the University President full authority for the supervision, management, and operation of the EMU, its immediate premises, and its programs, subject to the provisions of any governance document agreed to by the University President.

D. Use of University Facilities

(1) Users must schedule facilities in advance with the scheduling office, providing reasonable advance notice.

(2) All health, safety, fire, and other regulations must be observed.

(3) Additional costs incurred by janitorial or other services must be reimbursed to the University.

(4) Any user may be required by the Office of Business Affairs to render the University safe and secure from all claims of damage or liability by posting a bond or by other means.

(5) Scheduled activities must not disrupt or interfere with classes or other scheduled activities.

(6) Any user may be required by the scheduling office to meet other additional conditions necessitated by the nature of the requested use.

(7) Use of facilities does not in any way imply that the University endorses, encourages, or approves the purposes of the users.

(8) Classes, registration, and other academic uses take priority over all other uses of all facilities. Academic activities are defined as registration, commencement, workshops, and classes of the schools and colleges of the Division of Academic Affairs, and do not include cultural events, athletics, and extra-curricular events, or practice or preparation times for such events.

(9) Departments have priority for nonacademic use of space in their own departments for uses related to their own field of responsibility.

(10) Responsibility to the University President for proper non-academic use of University space is assigned to the administrator in charge of each facility, or to the Director of the Erb Memorial Union when no single administrator is so assigned. The administrator in charge of each facility is responsible for approval of the use of that facility for non-academic purposes.

(11) Administrators and directors of facilities that are scheduled for public events shall make available written guidelines for such use. Users shall be subject to the terms and conditions of such guidelines.

E. Use of Department of Intercollegiate Athletics Facilities

(1) Events using facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics must be scheduled at that Department's event scheduling office to insure that the date of an event will not conflict with other previously scheduled programs.

(2) A contract to use a Department of Intercollegiate Athletics facility must be signed by a responsible officer of the organization, group, or department seeking such use and a certificate of insurance shall be provided by non-University users in compliance with University contract requirements. Users of McArthur Court are also required to inform the Fire Marshal of the City of Eugene that they have assumed full responsibility for strict adherence to the fire laws and code of the State of Oregon.

(3) A schedule of rental fees is established by the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics and is published in Policy 571.060(A).

(4) Registration and other academic uses of McArthur Court will take priority over all other uses (see Section D).

(5) Non-academic athletic uses of McArthur Court have priority over other non-academic uses, except as noted in subsection (6) of this section.

(6) The Director of Erb Memorial Union, or the Director's representative, shall have priority during the academic year (September 16 through June 15) to schedule events in McArthur Court at any time the facility is not in athletic or academic use. Any commitment made by the Department of Inter-collegiate Athletics for use of McArthur Court by the Erb Memorial Union shall not be subject to later changes by the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. Adequate preparation time shall be provided by the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics for all cultural events scheduled in McArthur Court, with the amount of such preparation time to be specified in the prior commitment for use.

(7) The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, or the Director's representative, may schedule non-athletic events in McArthur Court, but only in the summer vacation period between the first day following the June Commencement and the day before the first day of Fall term registration, inclusive. The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, or the Director's representative, may also schedule one non-athletic event in McArthur Court during the Thanksgiving vacation period, the winter vacation period, and the spring vacation period. Any number of performances by one performer or group within 72 hours in those vacation periods will be regarded as one event. The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics shall consult with the Erb Memorial Union Director before scheduling non-athletic events in McArthur Court. The consultation should include discussion of scheduling conflicts, ticket prices, and student admissions. Final decisions will be made by the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics.

(8) The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics is responsible to the University President for the proper use of McArthur Court for non-academic use of the facility. The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics may, at the Director's discretion, require users to post a bond in advance or meet other additional conditions (see Section D). If, while an event is being presented, the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics finds such users are not using the facility in a safe, legal manner, the Director may ask the Director of Campus Security to close the event:

(a) All users must pay costs involved, including but not limited to costs of setting up stages or supplemental seating, services of custodians, installation of public address systems, and the use of other standby labor;

(b) The Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, the Erb Memorial Union and its components, the Associated Students of the University of Oregon and its components, are exempt from any rental fee;

(c) The use of the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics facilities by non-University organizations shall follow the guidelines established by the Department under Section B(11).

(9) All fund raising conducted during intercollegiate athletic events must receive prior approval from the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics and shall comply with Sections A and B.

(10) Signs and banners of materials that do not create a safety or fire hazard may be displayed at any time an athletic facility is open to the public:

(a) In areas outside a stadium or arena, signs and banners may not be affixed to Department of Intercollegiate Athletics property or facilities and signs and banners may not impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic at parking lot entries, within parking lots, at or on driveways, at or on facility approaches or aprons or at entry gates;

(b) Inside Department of Intercollegiate Athletics facilities or areas signs or banners without sticks or poles, etc. are allowed so long as they do not obstruct the field of vision of other members of the audience.

Original Source:
Oregon Administrative Rule