Flag Protocol

Policy Number: 
Proposed Action: 
Policy Summary: 
  1. The United States flag shall be displayed at the University of Oregon to conform with federal and state statutes.
  2. The Director of the Erb Memorial Union and directors of other University units responsible for the display of the United States flag shall consult with the Office of the President before responding to any request to fly the flag at half mast.
  3. The United States flag displayed in the Erb Memorial Union flag staff shall be flown at half mast only under the following conditions:
    • Upon direction of the President of the United States.
    • Upon direction of the Governor of the State of Oregon.
    • Upon direction of the President of the University of Oregon.
  4. Presidential Proclamation 3044 prescribes rules for display of the United States flag at half mast as a symbol of national grief or tribute. In deference to established national custom, the President will authorize the lowering of the United States flag on the University campus in the absence of a Presidential or Gubernatorial direction only under very extraordinary circumstances.
  5. When an event takes place which is clearly a matter of grief shared by the University community, and when the President judges that grief is best expressed by an outward symbolic gesture, the University of Oregon flag shall be scheduled to be flown at half mast.


Related Resources



To establish criteria for the proper display of the United States flag.

Policy Owner: 

Office of the Vice President of Finance and Administration: 541-346-3003, vpfa@uoregon.edu


Completed public comment; routing for signature.