Charging Administrative Overhead Costs

Policy Number: 
Reason for Policy: 

The university, in support of its operations, has a long-standing and transparent practice and process for determining, evaluating and assessing fees for overhead costs (such as administrative costs, utilities, etc.) to auxiliaries, continuing education and designated operations funds.

Entities Affected by this Policy: 

University units with auxiliary funds and other non-General and education funds.

Responsible Office: 

For questions about this policy, please contact the office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration at 541-346-3003 or

Enactment & Revision History: 

06 June 2017 - Approved by the university president


The university will assess auxiliary operations, designated operations, service centers, and continuing education funds administrative overhead in order to recover the cost of central services provided to these entities. Rates charged to units will be based on a methodology that uses cost pools to allocate expenses. Detailed procedures, calculations for rates, and exemption processes will be posted on the Business Affairs website.

  • Volume IV: Finance, Administration and Infrastructure
  • Chapter 4: Business affairs
Original Source: 
UO Policy Statement