
Policy Number:
Reason for Policy:

This policy outlines parking regulations relating to the University of Oregon, including items such as permits, changes to policy, violations, etc.

Entities Affected by this Policy:

All students and employees of the UO; visitors to the UO

Responsible Office:

For questions about this policy, please contactTransportation Services at 541-346-5444.

Enactment & Revision History:

10 July 2019 - Technical revisions enacted by the university secretary

20 September 2017 - Revisions enacted by the president and policy renumbered

03 September 2015 - Technical revisions enacted by the university secretary

01 July 2014 - Became a University of Oregon Policy by operation of law

Former Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 571 Division 10, Sections 0005 through 0065


All vehicular parking provided by the University of Oregon is available on a fee basis and at rates published annually after approval through the University’s process for Special Fees, Fines, Penalties, and Service Charges.Eligibility for parking permits, information specific to permit rates and refunds, regulations on use of University parking areas, enforcement, violations, and the citation appeal process, as well as bicycle registration and parking, are published in the University’s Parking Regulations.Transportation Services shall maintain and publish said parking regulations.


All members of the University community and all visitors to the campus are responsible for observing the University’s Parking Regulations and for all University parking violations involving the vehicles and bicycles they drive, own, or register, regardless of who is operating the vehicle. These regulations shall be accessible to any person who is operating a vehicle or bicycle on the University of Oregon campus.


Any faculty, staff, student, or visitor may present in writing recommendations for changes to the campus parking regulations. Recommendations will be considered annually by the director of Transportation Services in consultation with other appropriate University officials and groups. Revised parking regulations will be published according to the schedule outlined on the Transportation Services website.


The University shall maintain a Parking Citation Appeals Board for the purpose of reviewing the decisions of Transportation Services for the purpose of determining if a decision was unreasonable or arbitrary or was not supported by substantial evidence. The Citation Appeals Board is composed of representatives from the faculty, staff and student body.


Chapter 8: Parking and vehicles
Original Source:
Oregon Administrative Rule