To provide faculty members complete information about evaluation factors considered when merit increases are authorized.
Unrepresented faculty
Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost: 541-346-3186,
01 February 2018 - Revisions approved by the university president on and policy renumbered to II.03.04
08 February 2010 - Policy number revised from 3.120 to 02.01.03
31 January 1986 - Issued by the university president
The University of Oregon shall advise its faculty of factors to be considered in awarding merit increases.
All departments and units must have merit raise policies consistent with provost guidelines governing how available merit pool money will be distributed to eligible faculty members who meet or exceed expectations for teaching; research, scholarship, and creative activities; and service. Department and unit merit raise policies must be approved by the provost or designee.
If a faculty member believes that the announced evaluation procedures or criteria for determining merit increases do not adequately take into account the full range of professional activities that comprise that faculty member's performance, the faculty member may consult with the department/unit head or dean/director to seek clarification and/or resolution of the faculty member's concerns. If not satisfied with the results of this discussion, the faculty member may seek further clarification and/or resolution from the Provost, or designee to whom the dean/director is responsible or invoke the applicable grievance procedures.