Naming Academic Units

Policy Number:
Reason for Policy:

To describe the limitations on and procedures for naming academic units in recognition of individuals, groups or organizations.

Entities Affected by this Policy:

General applicability

Responsible Office:

For questions about this policy, please contact the Office of the University Secretary (541-346-3166, or the Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs (541-346-3186,

Enactment & Revision History:

16 October 2019 - Policy renumbered from II.08.02 to II.03.06

04 May 2017 - Approved by the university president


The naming, or renaming, of an academic unit is considered a major event in the history of the institution, requiring due consideration, appropriate due diligence, and consultation.

The Board of Trustees shall be the sole authority allowed to name any campus, school, college, department, or equivalent in recognition of an individual or organization.

The President of the University, or his/her designee, is authorized to name academic units not articulated in the above paragraph in recognition of individuals or organizations. This includes, but may not be limited to, centers, institutes, or programs.

Naming an academic unit is generally reserved for a donor or donors who have made significant financial contributions to that unit. However, academic units may also be posthumously named for an individual, group or organization in recognition of exceptional nonfinancial contributions to the University of Oregon or to society at large. In such instances, there should be a correlation between the contribution and the field in which naming is considered. Exceptions to the posthumous requirement may be granted by the Board of Trustees or the President, respectively, given the type of academic unit.

Procedural Requirements

  • Suggestions for naming an academic unit will be made through the Vice President for Advancement, in consultation with the Provost and Senior Vice President, to the President or the President’s designee. The Vice President for Advancement may receive recommendations from and shall consult with appropriate others (e.g., appropriate vice presidents, deans, department heads, directors, etc.).
  • Suggestions for naming in recognition of exceptional nonfinancial contributions to the University of Oregon or society at large shall include a description of the activities and circumstances that warrant consideration. While "exceptional nonfinancial contribution" could be operationalized in many different ways, for the purposes of this policy it is likely to describe remarkable activities, circumstances, and/or experiences of individuals that directly served to advance or provide inspiration in advancing the values and mission of the University.
  • The President or his/her designee shall consult confidentially with the Faculty Advisory Council. The President may consult confidentially with any other advisory group that he/she feels is appropriate.
  • Pursuant to this policy, the President shall make a recommendation on naming an academic unit to the Board of Trustees for its approval when required.
Chapter 3: Faculty, general
Original Source:
UO Policy Statement