Research: Classified Research

Policy Number:
Reason for Policy:

To articulate university policy regarding research bearing a federal security classification.

Entities Affected by this Policy:

Anyone who conducts or supports research at the University of Oregon.

Responsible Office:

For questions about this policy, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation at (541) 346-2090,

Enactment & Revision History:

10 August 2017 - Policy number changed from 09.00.03 to II.06.02

14 June 2012 - Reviewed and approved by the interim university president

08 February 2010 - Policy number revised from 2.000 to 09.00.03

05 October 2010 - Change title from Classified Research to Research: Classified 

10 May 1967 - Faculty Legislation


University resources may not be used to conduct research that bears a security classification from the federal government, such as top secret, secret, or confidential.

Applications for research grants will not be accepted when all or any portion of the intended research bears a security classification from the federal government or if there is a reasonable likelihood that all or any portion of the intended research will bear a federal security classification in the future.

If all or any portion of ongoing research bears a federal security classification, the research will be terminated within a reasonable amount of time. Nothing in this policy precludes the University from seeking to have the security classification removed

Chapter 6: Research, general
Original Source:
UO Policy Statement