This policy outlines required immunizations for students entering the University of Oregon.
All current and incoming students at the UO; all UO employees who deal with these matters.
For questions about this policy, please contact the University Health Center at 541-346-8393.
Revisions approved by President Michael Schill on January 12, 2017.
Technical revisions enacted by the University Secretary on September 4, 2015.
Became a University of Oregon Policy by operation of law on July 1, 2014.
Former Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 571 Division 4 Section 0016.
Required Immunizations
(1) All students at the University of Oregon must show proof of required immunizations as set forth by the University Health Center:
(a) Students will not be permitted to register for a second term without proof of required immunizations, consistent with the requirements of this policy, on record at the University Health Center;
(b) After the beginning of a term, registered students may be vaccinated at the University Health Center for a charge.
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of this policy, students who are attending the University of Oregon pursuant to a non-immigrant visa must provide the University Health Center with documentation of required immunizations prior to attending classes. If the student's first dose of a required vaccine series was received less than 30 days prior to attendance, the student has until the beginning of the second term or semester to provide documentation of the completed vaccine series.
(3) Students seeking exemption from this requirement because of age, medical condition, or sincerely held religious belief shall complete and present an exemption form to the designated University Health Center official. Forms are available at no cost upon request at the University Health Center main desk.
(4) Students without evidence of required immunity to certain diseases or conditions may be excluded from classes and other university activities in the event of an outbreak involving University of Oregon students and/or staff.