To define the university's requirements with respect to physical development of university properties.
All entities engaged in activities related to the physical development of university properties.
Campus Planning Office in Campus Planning at 541-346-5562
19 April 2017 – Revisions approved by the university president. Policy renumbered to IV.07.07.
14 November 2011 – Campus Plan Policy approved by the university president. The current campus plan was approved by the president 31 May 2015 (as an update to the original 1991 version). Refer to the Campus Plan for an amendment history.
- Definitions:
Campus Plan - UO document (including all related and approved subject plans) that defines the university's requirements with respect to physical development of university properties.
- Requirements:
The University will maintain a long-range campus development plan (the Campus Plan) covering all real property under its control and management.
All physical development of university properties shall comply with the Campus Plan.
The Campus Plan contains a framework that describe the type and extent of campus development. The Campus Plan must be consistent with other applicable law.
The President or designee will approve revisions to the campus boundaries.
The Campus Plan is available online at:
Proposed amendments shall be made in accordance with the process set forth in the Campus Plan. The amendment process set forth in the Campus Plan requires the President's approval following a recommendation from the Campus Planning Committee.
- Exclusions and Special Situations:
Deviations from or changes to the Campus Plan may be directed by the President.