Environment and Sustainability

Policy Number:
Reason for Policy:

To guide the institution’s environmental plans, procedures, and practices.

Entities Affected by this Policy:

University of Oregon faculty, staff, officers of administration, and students.

Responsible Office:

For questions about this policy, please contact the office the Vice President for Finance and Administration at 541-346-3003.

Enactment & Revision History:

28 March 2017 - Revisions approved by the university president. Policy number changed to IV.07.05 from 01.00.13.

04 April 2014 - Approved by the university president.

12 March 2014 - Approved by the university senate.

30 October 2013 - Policy number revised from 4.100 to 01.00.135/2013 – Policy revision was submitted to the university senate for review.

01 July 1997 - Reviewed and approved by council of deans, faculty advisory council, the university president’s small executive staff



Policy Statement:

The University of Oregon recognizes global climate change, ecosystem degradation, and loss of biodiversity as major environmental challenges. As established in its mission statement,"We value our shared charge to steward resources sustainably and responsibly." Enacting and implementing an environmental policy will be a positive example and play a significant role in the advancement of environmental stewardship on the campus and in the local and greater community.

The university is committed to environmental stewardship, compliance with the law, and promoting a healthy environment for current and future generations.

Guiding Principles:

  1. Planning and Design: The university will endeavor to minimize environmental impacts associated with the construction and operation of campus buildings and grounds through careful attention to environmental performance standards in design and construction.
  2. Operations and Maintenance: The university will implement conservation and efficiency strategies that reduce consumption of energy, water, and other resources without compromising high quality learning environments.
  3. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The university will monitor, report, and strive to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.
  4. Transportation: The university will support alternatives to commuting by single occupancy vehicles and encourage students, employees and guests to use alternatives that minimize environmental impact.
  5. Purchasing: The university will strive to obtain "best value" by balancing, as both appropriate and permissible, life cycle costs and social and environmental impacts when purchasing goods and services. Where both appropriate and permissible, the university will write specific purchasing policies to guide decision-­‐making on frequently purchased items.
  6. Materials Management: The university will establish and maintain programs that minimize solid waste (including food waste) through reduction, reuse, and recycling.
  7. Hazardous Materials Management: The university will minimize the use of hazardous materials when possible while recognizing the necessity of some hazardous materials for research, teaching, and operations. The university supports environmentally responsible management and disposal of hazardous material.


The university administration will charge appropriate units with responsibility to integrate these principles into policies, plans, programs, procedures, and practices. The Office of Sustainability should make relevant documents publicly available.


At least once every three years the Office of Sustainability should make available a public report on the implementation of the Environmental Comprehensive Policy. The Office of Sustainability has responsibility for monitoring and recommending changes to this policy in consultation with the Environmental Issues Committee.


Chapter 7: Property, facilities and planning; sustainability
Original Source:
UO Policy Statement