Bicycles and Other Personal Transportation Devices

Policy Number:
Reason for Policy:

This policy establishes responsibilities and procedures to ensure safety, proper operation and storage, and enforcement of personal transportation devices on campus.

Entities Affected by this Policy:

All employees, students and visitors, and any individual who wishes to operate a third party-owned personal transportation device on university owned or controlled property.


This policy does not apply to licensed motorized vehicles, pocket bikes and mini motorcycles, and personal assistive mobility devices.

Responsible Office:

For questions about this policy, please contact the Office of Transportation Services: (541) 346-5444,

Enactment & Revision History:

26 February 2025 - Revisions approved by the University President

10 June 2019 - Enacted by the university president


The University of Oregon promotes the use of personal transportation devices as forms of transportation which enhances the university’s goals for a more sustainable campus.


A. Definitions:

(1) “Personal Transportation Device”: Any device upon which any person may ride and is propelled by motor and/or by human power, but which is not a licensed motor vehicle as defined by the State of Oregon. This includes bicycles; motorized bicycles; skateboards; electronic skateboards including hover boards, electronic scooters; self-balancing boards/scooters; roller/in-line skates; and other similar devices.


(2) “Licensed motorized vehicle”: A motor vehicle that is required by the State of Oregon to have a vehicle registration or title and/or a license plate. This includes: cars, vans, motorcycles, mopeds, trucks, golf carts, utility vehicles, buses. This includes motor vehicles licensed by other states.


(3) “Pocket bike and mini motorcycle”: A two-wheeled vehicle having an engine with more than 35 cc and capable of a top speed in excess of 24 miles per hour on level ground.


(4) “Personal assistive mobility device”: A device being used or ridden by a person with a temporary or permanent medical condition that limits their mobility and necessitates the device’s use.


(5) “Third Party-Owned Personal Transportation Device”: Any Personal Transportation Device that is not personally-owned by an individual. An electric scooter that is part of a rental fleet is an example of a Third Party-Owned Personal Transportation Device.


(6) Impound: To take and store a Personal Transportation Device in legal custody.


(7) Impound fee: Sum paid to release an impounded Personal Transportation Device.



B. Operation

(1) All persons operating a Personal Transportation Device on university owned or controlled property are to comply with all applicable State of Oregon statutes, university policies and procedures, and traffic control devices.


(2) Operators of Personal Transportation Device must obey all the laws of vehicular traffic when on the roadway; and shall not engage in acrobatic riding or other acts or maneuvers which may endanger the safety of the device operator or others or damage property.


(3) Operation of Personal Transportation Device is permitted in bike lanes, roadways, and campus shared paths designated as bicycle routes. Operators must yield to pedestrians.


(4) Operation of Personal Transportation Devices is prohibited on sidewalks and paths not designated as bicycle routes; stairs, ramps and railings; vegetation, lawns, benches, tables, planters, and other surfaces not intended for vehicular travel; or inside and at the entrance to university owned or controlled facilities and parking structures, including but not limited to such facilities’ loading docks, driveways, and access ramps.


(5) During visibility-limiting conditions, such as between sunset and sunrise, bicycles must be equipped with a front white light visible from 500 feet and a rear red light or reflector visible from 600 feet, consistent with Oregon state law.


C. Parking, Storage and Impound

(1) Personal Transportation Devices shall be parked only in areas specifically designated for storage of such devices and in accordance with facility-specific policies and procedures. Indoor storage of motorized or electronic Personal Transportation Devices is prohibited in university owned or controlled property, unless in a location designated by Transportation Services.


(2) Personal Transportation Devices may not be left unattended on or at ramps, entrances, or other facilities designated for persons with physical disabilities or in such a manner as to impede the free and clear use of such facilities.


(3) Personal Transportation Devices are prohibited from remaining parked and unmoved in designated spaces for 30 days. Personal Transportation Devices parked or stored in an area not specifically designated are subject to immediate removal.


(4) Charging of electronic Personal Transportation Devices is prohibited in university owned or controlled property except at designated charging stations or locations designated by Transportation Services.


(5) Transportation Services and the Police Department may move, assess fees, or impound any Personal Transportation Device operated or stored in a manner that violates university policy.


(6) Transportation Services and the Police Department shall not be liable for any damage, repair, or replacement associated with moving or impounding of any Personal Transportation Device operated or stored in a manner that violates university policy.


(7) Any impounded Personal Transportation Device not claimed within 60 calendar days by the owner will be disposed of by the university in accordance with university procedures outlined by Transportation Services.


D. Third Party Owned Personal Transportation Devices

(1) Only Third Party-Owned Personal Transportation Devices belonging to a vendor that has been approved by Transportation Services are permitted on campus.


(2) Third Party-Owned Personal Transportation Devices belonging to a vendor that has not been approved by Transportation Services are subject to immediate impound.


(3) Third Party-Owned Personal Transportation Devices left unattended on campus or not parked in an area specifically designated for them may be considered abandoned and subject to immediate impound.


E. Responsibility and Corrective Action

(1) The owner and operator of a Personal Transportation Device are responsible and liable for all damage or injury caused by device, whether to persons or property. The owner and operator assume the risk of personal injury and death and will be held responsible for any injuries to themselves or others as a result of any violation of this policy or the improper operation of any Personal Transportation Device on university property.


(2) Any person who violates this policy may be subject to university fine or citation. Employees will be subject to corrective action pursuant to applicable UO policies and CBAs, and students will be subject to the Student Conduct Code proceedings and sanctions. Visitors (including but not limited to guests, volunteers, and other members of the public) who violate this policy may be trespassed from campus and may otherwise lose their right to use university property and/or to participate in university-sponsored programs and activities.

Chapter 8: Parking and vehicles
Original Source:
UO Policy Statement