This policy expresses the University’s position on political activities of employees.
All employees of the university.
For questions about this policy, please contact the Office of Government and Community Relations at 541-346-5020
25 February 2016 - Renumbered as UO Policy V.11.01 and related resource to ORS Chapter 260 added
02 September 2015 - Technical revisions enacted by the university secretary
22 March 2015 - Sections B and C (former OARs 580-022-0015 and 0020) amended by the university president upon recommendation of the university senate
01 July 2014 - Became a University of Oregon Policy by operation of law
Former Oregon Administrative Rule Chapter 580 Division 22, Sections 0010-0020
A. Public Activities
(1) Although there is no prohibition against active participation by University employees in various community and public affairs, it is expected that time given to such activities shall not interfere with the duties of the employees concerned.
(2) No employee shall take action that might be construed as committing the institution or the Board to a position on public issues.
B. Candidates for Public Office
(1) In accordance with the Oregon Constitution, it is University policy to allow employees to seek political office and to serve in the event of election. Before an employee shall become a candidate for any public office, whether for a salaried or nonsalaried position, the employee is expected to consult with the President.
(2) Political activity shall in no way interfere with the performance of the major duties prescribed by the University.
(3) Because circumstances under which a campaign is conducted will vary widely depending on the nature of the elective office and the extent of opposition, the determination of whether an employee may continue full-time duties while conducting or engaged in a campaign rests with the employee's President. In the event of election to the State Legislature, an employee normally will be placed on leave of absence without pay during the period of full-time responsibility. If elected or appointed to a full-time salaried office, the employee may be placed on leave of absence without pay during the term of office or may be required to resign.
C. Relationships with State Government
(1) Except for the President and designees, no employee of the University is authorized to represent the University to the Legislature, its members or committees, to the Office of the Governor, and to the Executive Department and its Divisions.
(2) Nothing in this policy shall be construed as inhibiting an employee of the University from exercising the right of citizenship in a personal capacity, or be construed as inhibiting any employee of the University from appearing before a body of state government identified in this policy in response to a request from that body.
(3) Faculty members are encouraged to visit the Legislative Sessions and Hearings with students in the interests of furthering the effectiveness of organized class work, or to respond to requests from the Legislature for establishment and maintenance of special involvements such as student intern programs.