Academic Calendar |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 2.025 |
II.01.01 |
Academic Classification and Rank |
UO Policy Statement |
II.02.05 |
Academic Continuity and Emergency Grades |
UO Policy Statement |
N/A |
II.01.06 |
Academic Employment: Appointment, Promotion, Tenure & Salary Procedures |
OUS Board Policy |
OUS 03 |
OUS 03 |
Academic Freedom, Freedom of Inquiry, and Free Speech |
UO Policy (New) |
II.05.01 |
Access Control |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.050.0035 |
IV.07.03 |
Admission Policy, Second Language |
OUS Board Policy |
OUS 07 |
Admission Requirements |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.010.0001-5 |
Allegations of Research Misconduct |
UO Policy Statement |
09.00.02 |
II.06.02 |
Animal Control |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.050.0025 |
IV.05.02 |
Appointment and Promotion of Instructors and Senior Instructors |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.01 |
Articles and Activities Prohibited at Athletic Facilities |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.050.0011 |
IV.07.04 |
Athletic Department Substance Use and Drug Testing |
III.07.01 |
Availability to Faculty Members of Objective Information |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.022.0115 |
Bicycles and Other Personal Transportation Devices |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.08.01 |
Campus Planning |
UO Policy Statement |
4.00.08 |
IV.07.07 |
Campus Violence Prevention |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.05.08 |
Campus Visitors |
UO Policy Statement |
01.00.04 |
IV.05.04 |
Cancellation of Classes |
UO Policy Statement |
02.99.01 |
II.01.05 |
Candidates for Public Office |
OUS Board Policy |
580.022.0015 |
Catering Services on Campus |
UO Policy Statement |
04.00.01 |
IV.09.01 |
Charging Administrative Overhead Costs |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.04.03 |
Class Size |
OUS Board Policy |
OUS 13 |
Code of Ethics |
IV.02.01 |
Commercial and Charitable Solicitations, Commercial Transactions |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.050.0030 |
Community College Transfer |
OUS Board Policy |
OUS 15 |
Community Dispute Resolution Program |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.100 |
I.03.02 |
Community Standards Affirmation |
UO Policy Statement |
01.00.10 |
V.04.03 |
Compensation |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.020.0010-0100 |
Computing Priorities: Research and Instructional |
IV.06.04 |
Conditions of Service |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.021.0005-55 |
Confidentiality of Client/Patient Health Care and Survivors' Services Information |
III.05.02 |
Conflict of Interest, Conflict of Commitment, and Outside Activities |
UO Policy Statement |
09.00.05 |
I.02.02 |
Conflicts of Interest and Abuses of Power: Sexual, Physically Intimate, or Romantic Relationships with Students |
UO Policy Statement |
OAR 571.4.0007 |
V.04.05 |
Consensual Relationships |
OUS Board Policy |
OUS 17 |
V.04.06 |
Construction and Contracting |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.063 |
IV.07.10 |
Copyright Royalty Income (Distribution of) |
UO Policy Statement |
06.00.05 |
Credit for University Courses Taught in High Schools |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 2.030 |
III.08.06 |
Criminal, Credit and Related Background Checks on Applicants for University Positions |
UO Policy Statement |
3.110 |
V.07.01 |
Data Security Incident Response |
IV.06.03 |
Definition of Unclassified Staff |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.020.0006 |
Diversity |
OUS Board Policy |
OUS 20 |
Electronic Signatures |
UO Policy Statement |
N/A |
IV.04.06 |
Employee Grievance Policy |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.003 |
V.11.06 |
Employee Morale-Building Event Expenditures |
UO Policy Statement |
06.00.12 |
Environment and Sustainability |
UO Policy Statement |
01.00.13 |
IV.07.05 |
Equal Opportunity |
OUS Board Policy |
V.01.01 |
Equipment |
UO Policy Statement |
04.00.06 |
Equity Contracting, Purchasing, and Data Reporting Procedures |
OUS Board Policy |
OUS 23 |
IV.09.04 |
Equity Salary Review |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.04 |
Expedited Tenure |
UO Policy Statement |
II.02.04 |
Facilities and Operations, Closure Of |
IV.07.02 |
Facilities Scheduling |
UO Policy Statement |
4.00.05 |
IV.07.08 |
Facilities, Naming of |
IV.07.01 |
Faculty Career Support Program |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 4.001 |
Faculty Records Policy |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.030 |
Faculty: Hiring of Tenure-Related Faculty Without Terminal Degrees |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.14 |
Faculty: Initial Hire Salary Factors |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.08 |
Faculty: Internal Candidates, Guidelines for Search Processes |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.02 |
Faculty: Merit Increase Factors |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.03 |
II.03.04 |
Faculty: Non-Tenure Track Faculty (NTTF) |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.20 |
Faculty: Overload Compensation |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.18 |
Faculty: Parental Accommodation Policy for Officers of Instruction |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.19 |
Faculty: Promotion and Tenure Files - Access to Information in the Closed Portion |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.16 |
Faculty: Promotion Salary Statement |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.06 |
Faculty: Rights and Privileges of Faculty Retired With Merit |
UO Policy Statement |
II.02.03 |
Faculty: Salary Adjustments |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.07 |
Faculty: Salary Information Provided to Finalist Candidates |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.11 |
Faculty: Special Stipends |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.12 |
Faculty: Tenure Extension of Probationary Period Because of New Baby or Childbirth or Adoption |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.05 |
Family Housing Governance |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.022.0020-80 |
III.02.02 |
Family Housing Rental Rates, Fees, Charges and Eligibility |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.022.0100-0105 |
III.02.04 |
Family Relationships and Employment |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.04.0005; 580.022.0055 |
V.04.07 |
Fellowships: Payment of Uncompensated Salary and Other Personnel Expenses (OPE) on Major Fellowships |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.09 |
Finance and Business Affairs |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 6 |
Financial Aid to Students, General Policy |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 3.010-015 |
Financial Irregularities |
UO Policy Statement |
06.00.09 |
Firearms |
IV.05.05 |
Fitness for Duty and Drug-Free University |
UO Policy (New) |
V.04.06 |
Flexible Work Arrangements |
UO Policy Statement |
V.04.02 |
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Reporting |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 5 |
IV.02.03 |
Fund Raising |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.011 |
Fund Raising on Campus, Authorization of |
UO Policy Statement |
06.00.04 |
Gifts, Grants, and Contract Management |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.042 |
Health Insurance Requirements for International Students and Their Dependents |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.004.0015 |
III.04.04 |
Holidays |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
OAR 580.22.0025-0040 |
V.09.03 |
Honorary Degrees, Granting of |
UO Policy Statement |
01.00.05 |
II.08.03 |
Human Remains Policy |
UO Policy (New) |
II.06.07 |
Human Research Protection Program |
II.06.06 |
Incidental Fee Authorization |
UO Policy Statement |
III.03.02 |
Information and Communications Technology Accessibility |
UO Policy Statement |
N/A |
Information Asset Classification & Management |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.06.02 Data Classification |
IV.06.02 |
Information Security Program |
IV.06.01 |
Intercollegiate Athletics |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 8 |
Internal Controls |
IV.02.02 |
Inventions, License Agreements, Educational & Professional Materials Development, Patents & Copyrights |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.43.0006-0016 |
II.07.02 |
Legal Review of Agreements and Documents |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 7 |
I.02.01 |
Licensing Income Distribution |
UO Policy Statement |
09.00.06 |
II.07.01 |
Mail and Delivery Service on Campus |
IV.04.30 |
Mobile Technology, Access To |
IV.06.05 |
Museum of Art |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.051 |
II.08.01 |
Naming Academic Units |
UO Policy Statement |
II.03.06 |
Officer of Administration (OA) Employment |
UO Policy Statement |
V.11.04 |
Officer of Administration (OA) Grievances |
UO Policy Statement |
V.11.05 |
Officer of Administration (OA) Performance Management |
V.06.01 |
Officer of Administration (OA) Separations |
V.08.01 |
Officer of Administration (OA) Time Off |
V.09.02 |
Parental Leave |
UO Policy Statement |
V.09.01 |
Parking |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.010.0005-65 |
IV.08.02 |
Payment Card Acceptance |
IV.04.01 |
Payment Options for Mobile Technology |
UO Policy Statement |
06.00.11 |
IV.04.04 |
Physical and Environmental Security |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.05.03 |
Political Activities |
V.11.01 |
Post Tenure Review |
UO Policy Statement |
02.01.17 |
Posthumous Degrees, Conferral Of |
UO Policy Statement |
II.01.50 |
Preferred First Name |
UO Policy Statement |
05.00.05 |
III.09.01 |
Printing and Mailing |
06.00.01 |
IV.04.29 |
Procurement and Contracting |
OUS Board Policy |
580.061 |
IV.09.06 |
Procurement and Contracting: Code of Ethics |
IV.09.02 |
Professional Development and Training Policy |
UO Policy Statement |
03.08.01 |
V.05.01 |
Prohibited Discrimination and Retaliation |
UO Policy Statement |
V.11.02 |
Proprietary Research |
UO Policy Statement |
II.06.05 |
Proscribed Conduct |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.022.0045 |
IV.07.11 |
Protection of Minors and Reporting of Child Abuse |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.05.06 |
Purchasing and Contracts for Goods and Services |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.062 |
IV.09.05 |
Real Property, Space Use and Facilities Planning |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.060 |
IV.07.06 |
Recruiting UO Students for Employment Opportunities |
UO Policy Statement |
01.00.09 |
III.09.02 |
Relationships with State Government |
OUS Board Policy |
580.022.0020 |
V.11.09 |
Required Immunizations |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.004.0016 |
III.04.05 |
Research: Classified Research |
UO Policy Statement |
II.06.03 |
Research: Financial Conflict of Interest in |
UO Policy Statement |
09.00.04 |
II.06.01 |
Residence Classification |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.010.0029-47 |
III.08.01 |
Residence Hall Governance |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.022.0005-15 |
III.02.01 |
Residence Halls, Reimbursement for Space Used on a Temporary Basis |
OUS 43 |
III.02.05 |
Resignations and Terminations |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.021.0300-470 |
Retention and Delegation of Authority |
I.01.01 |
Retention of Evaluative Materials |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.022.0110 |
Review of Admission Requirements |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 3.001-005 |
Sabbatical Leave |
UO Policy Statement |
II.03.05 |
Safety - Physical Space and Environment |
UO Policy Statement |
08.00.02 and 08.00.07 |
IV.05.01 |
Search Procedures for Academic Administrator Positions |
II.02.02 |
Smoke and Tobacco-Free University |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
IV.07.09 |
Strategic Purchasing of Services and Goods |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.09.03 |
Student Conduct Code |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.021 |
III.01.01 |
Student Eligibility for Activities |
UO Policy Statement |
05.00.03 |
III.01.02 |
Student Grievance Policy |
UO Policy (New) |
V.11.07 |
Student Health Services |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.011.0005 |
III.04.01 |
Student Housing |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.011.0015-0040 |
III.02.03 |
Student Leave |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.023 |
III.05.05 |
Student Loan Debt Management and Outreach |
OUS Board Policy |
OUS 49 |
Student Records |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.020 |
III.05.03 |
Subpoenas of Student Records |
UO Policy Statement |
01.00.08 |
III.05.06 |
Surplus Property Disposal |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.040.0300-311 |
Tandem Appointments |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
571.004.0010 |
Tenure and Promotion |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.021.0100-135 |
Trademark Licensing |
UO Policy Statement |
07.00.03 |
I.01.04 |
Travel Policy |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.04.02 |
Treasury Management |
IV.03.01 |
Tuition and Fee Policy Book |
III.03.01 |
Tuition Discounts |
UO Policy Statement |
V.11.03 |
Undergraduate Transfer and Articulation |
Internal Management Directive |
IMD 2.035 |
University Fiscal Policy |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.04.05 |
University Foundation |
I.01.02 |
University Policies |
I.03.01 |
University Records Management |
IV.10.01 |
University Venture Development Funds |
580.043.0060-0100 |
IV.11.05 |
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Policy |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.05.07 |
Use of Email for Official and Mass Communications |
UO Policy Statement |
IV.06.07 |
Use of Seal, Logo and Related |
I.01.03 |
Use of Student Building Fees |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
580.010.0100-140 |
III.03.03 |
Vehicles |
UO Policy Statement |
08.00.01; 08.00.03; 571.010.0100-0140; 580.040.0025-0030 |
IV.08.03 |
Work Life |
UO Policy Statement |
V.04.01 |
Written Reprimands |
UO Policy Statement |
03.04.04 |
__Conflicts of Interest and Abuses of Power: Sexual, Physically Intimate, or Romantic Relationships with Students |
Oregon Administrative Rule |
V.04.05 |