A to Z Index of UO Policy Statements

Locate a Policy by Title, or Number
Title Original Source Original # Policy #
Electronic Signatures UO Policy Statement N/A IV.04.06
Employee Grievance Policy Oregon Administrative Rule 571.003 V.11.06
Employee Morale-Building Event Expenditures UO Policy Statement 06.00.12
Employment of More than One Member of Household Oregon Administrative Rule 580.022.0055
Environment and Sustainability UO Policy Statement 01.00.13 IV.07.05
Equal Opportunity OUS Board Policy V.01.01
Equipment UO Policy Statement 04.00.06
Equity Contracting, Purchasing, and Data Reporting Procedures OUS Board Policy OUS 23 IV.09.04
Equity Salary Review UO Policy Statement 02.01.04
Expedited Tenure UO Policy Statement II.02.04